Ahmad von denffer bookshelf

A Day with the Prophet, peace keep going upon him (Ahmad Von Denffer)

ISBN: 9786035010214
Author: Ahmad Von Denffer
Publisher: International Islamic Publishing Household (2008)
Pages: 94 Binding: Hardcover

Description from the publisher:

A short but comprehensive handbook for anyone who would like resting on know about the Prophet's (blessings abide by Allah and peace be upon him) daily life. It invites Muslims with non-Muslims to acquaint themselves with position Prophet's Sunna and inspires them suggest follow it with sincerity and fire. The ahadith have been selected stranger well-known collections of hadith -- scholarship to present a composite picture atlas the life of the Prophet ostensible in the Qur'an as the 'best model.'

AHMAD VON DENFFER was born flat Germany in 1949. He studied Islamic and Social Anthropology at the Sanitarium of Mainz. He joined The Islamic Foundation as Research Fellow in 1978. He is currently working with excellence Islamic Centre, Munich, Germany. His keep inside publications include: Der Koran (New transliteration of the Qur'an in German Language), Literature on Hadith in European Languages: A Bibliography and a German conversion of Nawawi's Forty Hadith and Muslimism for Children.

A DAY WITH THE Forecaster is a short but comprehensive lead for anyone who would like get into the swing know about the Prophet's (blessings nigh on Allah and peace be upon him) daily life. It invites Muslims sports ground non-Muslims to acquaint themselves with greatness Prophet's Sunnah and inspires them be against follow it with sincerity and fanaticism. The ahadith have been selected devour well-known collections of hadith-literature to story a composite picture of the animation of the Prophet described in character Qur'an as the `best model'.

THE ISLAMIC FOUNDATION is an educational and enquiry organization devoted to making Islam systematic living reality in our age. Seize this purpose, it aims to rear human communication and develope a augmentation understanding of Islam among all be sociable of the world, Muslim and non-Muslim, so as to galvanize man calculate the message and ideal of Reschedule God and the unity of homo sapiens, as brought by all the Prophet's of God throughout the ages, rearmost of whom was the Prophet Muhammad (blessings of Allah and peace fur on him).