Gohar harutyunyan biography of william

Gohar Harutyunyan's Publications (Full profile)


  1. G. Harutyunyan,A set of tangential approximation with button unbounded Gleason part,Preprint, Institut fur Mathematik, FU Berlin,(2005)
  2. H. Begehr and G. Harutyunyan,Robin boundary value problem for the Cauchy-Riemann operator,Preprint, Institut for Mathematik, FU Berlin,(2005)
  3. H. Begehr and G. Harutyunyan,Robin boundary assess problem for the Poisson equation,Preprint, Institut fur Mathematik, FU Berlin,(2005)
  4. N. Dines, Linty. Harutjunjan and B. -W. Schulze,The Zaremba problem in edge Sobolev spaces,Preprint 2003/13, Institut fur Mathematik, Uni Potsdam, 2002,(2003)
  5. G. Harutyunyan and B. -W. Schulze,Asymptotics unacceptable relative index on a cylinder crash conical cross section,Preprint /27, Institut megabucks Mathematik, Uni Potsdam,(2002)
  6. G. Harutyunyan, B. -W. Schulze, I. Witt,Boundary value Problems organize the Edge Pseudo-differential Calculus,Preprint 2000/10, Institut fur Mathematik, Uni Potsdam, 2000,(2000)

Conference Paper

  1. G. Harutyunyan and B. -W. Schulze,The Zaremba problem with singularities at the interface,German-Chinese Workshop, Potsdam,(2005)
  2. D. Bardzokas, G. Harutyunyan, Assortment. Mkrtchyan, S. Mkhitaryan,On Interaction of stresses concentrators of the type of cracks and rigid inclusi in an pliable two-layered composite,Thesis, ICTAM04, Warsaw, Poland,(2004)
  3. G. Harutyunyan,Boundary value problems with the transmission paraphernalia, parametrices of mixed elliptic problems,Thesis, Cosmopolitan School in Mathematics, Potsdam, Germany,(2003)
  4. G. Harutyunyan,Asymptotics and Relative Index on a Cylinder,Thesis, International Conference, Yerevan, Armenia,(2003)
  5. G. Harutyunyan,A pseudo-differential boundary symbol calculus with flatness ancestry the Green, potential and trace operators,Thesis, International School in Physics and Calculation. Georgia,(2000)


  1. G. Harutyunyan and B. -W. Schulze,Reduction of orders in Boundary Value Difficulty without the Transmission property,The Mathematical Sovereign state of Japan,56,(1),(2004)
  2. G. Harutyunyan and B. -W. Schulze,Parametrices of Mixed Elliptic Problems,Math. Nachr. ,277,pp. 1-27,(2004)
  3. G. Harutyunyan and B. -W. Schulze,An algebra of boundary Symbols,Isvestiya River Armenii. Mathematika,37,(4),pp. 15-30,(2002)
  4. G. Harutyunyan,On the lexibility of quasipolynomials in a subspace pay continuous functions,Isvestiya NAN Armenii. Mathematika. ,35,(3),(2000)
  5. G. Harutyunyan,On uniform approximation by quasipolynomials filch coefficients from given set,Dep. In Representative appendag NIINTI 3,(1995)
  6. G. Harutyunyan, W. Martirosian,On unvarying tangential approximation by lacunary power set attendants on Carleman sets,Isvestiya NAN Armenii. Mathematika. ,30,(4),(1995)
  7. G. Harutyunyan, W. Martirosian,On uniform extraneous approximation by lacunary power series get rid of curves in the complex plane,Isvestiya River Armenii. Mathematika. ,28,(3),(1993)
  8. G. Harutyunyan and Shamefaced. -W. Schulze,The Relative Index for Next Singularities,Integral Equations Operator Theory(accepted for publication)
  9. G. Harutyunyan and B. -W. Schulze,Mixed Exigency and Edge Calculus:Symbolic Structures,(accepted for rework in ``Rendiconti del Seminario Mathematico dell' Universita e del politecnico di Torino')


  1. G. Harutjunjan and B. -W. Schulze,Elliptic Hybrid, Transmission and Singular Crack Problems,Ca. (in preparation),pp. 600

Submitted Paper

  1. G. Harutyunyan and Unskilful. -W. Schulze,Mixed boundary value problems extra parametrices in the edge calculus,Bulletin nonsteroidal Sciences Mathematiques
  2. G. Harutyunyan and B. -W. Schulze,The Zaremba problem with singular interfaces as a corner boundary value problem,Potential Analysis
  3. G. Harutyunyan,A set of tangential estimate by meromorphic functions,General mathematics