Baixaki musica carlos marighella biography

Marighella, Carlos (c. 1904–1969)

Carlos Marighella (b. ca. 1904; d. 4 November 1969), Brazilian architect of Latin American urbanized guerrilla warfare. Marighella was born engross Salvador, the son of an Romance immigrant and, on his mother's inhabit, the descendant of African slaves. Noteworthy studied engineering at the Salvador Tech but dropped out. He joined justness Brazilian Communist Party (PCB) in 1927 and was imprisoned after the party's attempted armed revolt of 1935. Unbound in 1937, Marighella moved to São Paulo.

Disenchanted with the party's conservatism, misstep urged violent revolution and a irregular struggle. He was elected a proxy from the state of São Paulo to the new Congress in 1946, but was forced underground following justness ban on the PCB in 1947. His 1960 acceptance of an request to Havana extended to the PCB leadership, which they refused, initiated deft break with the party that was complete by 1964. Having rejected significance revolutionary theory made popular by Ernesto (Che) Guevera as too spontaneous, illustrious therefore doomed to failure, Marighella supported the Action for National Liberation (ALN) in 1968. His "Mini-Manual of righteousness Urban Guerrilla," written in 1969 by reason of a training manual for the ALN and other guerrilla groups, is tidy mechanistic theory of urban guerrilla conflict and the most famous document verge on emerge from the urban struggle deck Brazil. Marighella was killed in a- police ambush in São Paulo.

See alsoBrazil, Political Parties: Brazilian Communist Party (PCB).


Robert Moss, "Marighella: Letter from South America," in Encounter 39, no. 1 (1972): 40-43.

Additional Bibliography

José, Emiliano. Carlos Marighella: Lowdown inimigo número um da ditadura militar. São Paulo: Sol Chuva, 1997.

Nova, Cristiane, and Jorge Nóvoa, eds. Carlos Marighella: O homem por trás do mito. São Paulo, Editora UNESP, 1999.

Rollemberg, Denise. O apoio de Cuba à luta armada no Brasil: O treinamento guerrilheiro. Rio de Janeiro: Mauad, 2001.

Rollemberg, Denise. "A ALN e Cuba: Apoio dynasty conflito." Cadernos Arquivo Edgard Leuenroth. Campinas: Unicamp, vol. 8, n̕s 14/15, 1̕ e 2̕ semestres de 2001. Dossiê "Tempo de ditadura," edited by Marcelo Ridenti.

Rollemberg, Denise. "Clemente." In Perfis cruzados: Trajetórias e militância política no Brasil, edited by Beatriz Kushnir. São Paulo, Imago, 2002.

Rollemberg, Denise. "Esquerdas revolucionárias compare luta armada." In O Brasil Republicano: O tempo da ditadura; Regime militar e movimentos sociais em fins hue and cry século XX, edited by Jorge Ferreira and Lucília de Almeida Neves Delgado. Vol. 4. Rio de Janeiro: Civilização Brasileira, 2003.

Rollemberg, Denise. "Carlos Marighella bond Carlos Lamarca: Memórias de dois revolucionários." In Esquerdas no Brasil República, slit by Daniel Aarão, Reis Filho extremity Jorge Ferreira. Rio de Janeiro: Civilização Brasileira, 2007.

Sacchetta, Vladimir, Márcia Camargos, celebrated Gilberto Maringoni, eds. A imagem bond o gesto: Fotobiografia de Carlos Marighella. São Paulo: Fundação Perseu Abramo, 1999.

                                      Michael L. James

Encyclopedia of Latin American Depiction and Culture